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Oaks a Mighty Tree

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Oak a Mighty Tree

Nature plays a role,
role in her capacity,
capacity always with much love
love flowing over, causing so much flooding.
Flooding is a disaster so many times for some,
some tiny acorn seed washed downstream floats onto fertile soil.
Soil spouts out new life, a mighty oak tree is formed, important regrowth.

Regrowth playing a vital role in forest ecology with oaks,
oaks having tough leathery shells survived many mighty knocks,
knocks helping to crack the shell, too heavy for the wind.
Wind does not help oak trees with germination.
Germination maybe with squirrels,
squirrels planting nuts serve oaks.
Oaks a mighty tree.

Copyright © 2018 Elsie Hagley

Cortes Nonet – invented by Josephine Ann Louise Cortes-Love  aka MajesticRose on AllPoetry, March 2012. It was inspired by the original Nonet.

14 lines (2 stanzas, 7 lines each)
First stanza syllable count as follows:  5/7/9/11/13/15/17
Second stanza syllable count as follows:  17/15/13/11/9/5
The last word of each line is the first word of the next line.  (word form)
The first word of the second stanza can either be the last word of the first stanza OR a new word

The poem can rhyme or have no rhyme at all. Centred.

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Blackbirds – Double Etheree Poem

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Blackbirds – Double Etheree Poem



eat earthworms

berries and fruit

have yellow eye-ring

male, glossy black plumage

juveniles, females, dark brown

defends its breeding territory

winter food available they stay

although occupying different areas

male attracts female with courtship display

most couples stay together till death

mud lined nest with bluish green eggs

female incubates the eggs

young feed by both parents

second broods common

great singing voice

can mimic



Copyright © 2018 Elsie Hagley

Double Etheree – Two Etheree stanzas, where the second one is reversed.Syllabic count: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

Rhyme not required.

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Erosion Everywhere

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Erosion Everywhere

Erosion is everywhere
whether it’s in ones life
or part of nature’s moods
the eating away of land
the sea on coastal belts
falling of timber trees
eating away protection
of dangerous gases
floating around the air
polluting the world

Maybe a spider web broken
that’s erosion of its home
How many more homes
to disappear from one’s life
So much misery for humans
manners have changed
no please or thank you’s
These days human bodies
are slowing showing the
effects of a life of erosion.

Destruction is everywhere
leaders of the country
forever changing rules
life hanging on a thread.
Too many guns around
schools work under stress
every day children suffer
erosion of their little lives
not knowing what to do
the laws need repairing.

Copyright © 2018 Elsie Hagley

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Pantoum Poetry – Park Bench Seat

Pantoum Poetry – Park Bench Seat

Have you sat on my bench seat
Before all the undergrowth took over
Mothers would sit on me nursing babies
Some would even feed a child

Before all the undergrowth took over
Men would stop and talk to the mothers
Some would even feed a child
Young lovers would enjoy sitting on me

Men would stop and talk to the mothers
Some were angry and shouted
Young lovers would enjoy sitting on me
Even they were angry at times

Some were angry and shouted
Birds would stop and perch on top of me
Even they were angry at times
But no one ever cleaned me

Birds would come and perch on me
Mothers would sit on me nursing babies
But no one ever cleaned me
Have you ever sat on my bench seat.

How to Write a Pantoum Poetry

Line 1

Line 2

Line 3

Line 4

Line 5 (repeat of line 2)

Line 6

Line 7 (repeat of line 4)

Line 8

Continue with as many stanzas as you wish,

but the ending stanza, then repeats the second and fourth lines of the previous stanza

(as its first and third lines), and also repeats the third line of the first stanza,

as its second line, and the first line of the first stanza as its fourth.

So the first line of the poem is also the last.

Last stanza:

Line 2 of previous stanza

Line 3 of first stanza

Line 4 of previous stanza

Line 1 of first stanza

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Amanda’s Pinch Poem – Grapes to Wine

Amanda’s Pinch Poem Grapes to Wine

Grapes beautiful red, blue, yellow, green or crimson,
grapes for the table or the making of fine wine. 
wine aroma comes from the strong thick skins
wine tasters always smell the wine.
Wine tasters always smell the wine
Grape wine, non alcoholic always wins
Wine tasters enjoy, they always walk a straight line
Tasty grape wine for you and me is the mission.

Amanda’s Pinch Poetry
It was Created by  Amanda J. Norton, Oct. 18, 2013 on Allpoetry

Syllable count 12/12/10/8/8/10/12/12
Rhyme Scheme abcDDcba, (with line 5 a refrain of line 4)
Alliteration is required in every line.
It looks well centred.
Its structure giving the impression of being gently pinched together,
then springing back in a mirror image.
It may be doubled.

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Con-Verse Poetry Form – Bridal Journey

Bridal Journey

Beauty to warm the cool air
Joy to be a millionaire

Bridal journey in a canoe
the strong smell of woodland mildew

Rugged valley, it’s quite dangerous
careful so not to endanger us

Brilliance of snow-clad hills in the distance
to see the beauty of its existence

Clouds appearing over the highest ridge top
it is time to move before we have a quick stop.

Copyright © 2018 Elsie Hagley – aka kiwinana

Con-Verse consists of three or more 2-line rhyming stanzas (couplets). The meter of this form is in syllabic verse.

Rhyme scheme: aa,bb,cc,dd,ee
Meter: 7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,11,11

(Syllabic verse only counts the number of syllables in a line.)

This form consists of three or more couplets which ascend by one syllable up to and until you reach a syllabic count of eleven which would contain ten lines.

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Argonelies Poem – Three Quintains – Wild Bee Attack

Argonelies Poem – Three Quintains – Wild Bee Attack

#New Poetry Form

slowly down a dirt track
surrounded by bush and tall trees
air was hot, suddenly a breeze
cooled my very hot back

me to quickly turn back
something made me feel ill at ease
a humming noise above of bees
flew at me to attack

down low from the attack
falling down, no one can reprise
feelings of terrible unease
as I woke, the flashback

Copyright © 2018 Elsie Hagley

Argonelies is a  Stanzaic: Composed of any number of quintains

Quintain is a five lined poem

Syllabic: with lines of 2/6/8/8/6 syllables

Rhyme scheme: xabba

Meter and theme at poet’s discretion.

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Copla Real Poem – Fruits of life

#New Poetry Form

Copla Real PoemFruits of life

Sun and rain grew fresh plump fruit
bitter fruit don’t blame the taproot
trees courageous inducing,
vitamins therefore producing
wellness always an attribute

Clouds send rain quenching the earth
then the flowers bloom, giving birth
very little space for selfishness
nature provides, no evilness
so one day you can reap your worth.

My Rhyme: aabba, ccddc

Copyright © 2018 Elsie Hagley – aka kiwinana

Copla Real Poetry comes from 15th Century Spain. The name means “Royal Stanza.”

  • It is a decastich made of 2 Quintillas.
  • A Quintilla is a 5-line stanza of 8-syllables with 2 rhyming sounds.
  • The rhymes may be in any combination as long as the quintet does NOT end with a rhyming couplet. Possibilities are: ababa, abbab, abaab, aabab, abbba, or aabba.
  • Whatever rhyming pattern appears in the first Quintilla will be repeated in the second, with two different rhyming sounds, hence: cdcdc, cddcd, etc.

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Behrquain Poem – Beauty of the Seasons

Behrquain Poem – Beauty of the Seasons

#New Poetry Form

as the seasons
continue flowing by
showing balmy shades of autumn
greens to paling yellows.
like a rainbow
through the trees
no breeze the leaves are still,
amber sunlight falls through the trees
warming the cooling ground.
scent, dead leaves yield
Is enriching
the ground for a new year.
after winter has recycled,
ground free of pollutions,
soil is refreshed
time to replant
new seedlings for another year
enrich the beautiful scenery.
birds singing overhead
courting their mate,
is everywhere.
green thumb, face of nature,
has her solutions for everything,
another year of beauty
as the seasons
roll by.

Copyright © 2018 Elsie Hagley

Behrquain Poetry is a poem of 30 lines, a syllabic form invented by Madison Shaw, aka Arkbear on Allpoetry


The form should be centred with care given to appearance.


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Anapeat Poem – Still Her Eyes Kept Staring

#New Poetry Form

Still Her Eyes Kept Staring

But still her eyes kept staring at me
even though I swiped my hand at her
the concrete wall was protection 
from all the goings on around her
Even a bird hopping around the lawn

She never made a move to catch it
But still her eyes kept staring at me,
giving me a feeling of being watched
Why did you, a cat make me feel guilty,
guilty of what I still don’t know

Wondering why you stayed unmoved.
even a loud sneeze, you never moved
But still her eyes kept staring at me
Loud banging noises all around you,
and you never moved, just kept staring

Jumping up and down she didn’t move
Was something wrong with me
Can’t you see that I’ve had enough
But still her eyes kept staring at me
For sure there is something wrong

Are you deaf or maybe blind as well,
time for me to check out what’s wrong.
She was just a cat having forty winks,
eyes wide open but mind shut off.
But still her eyes kept staring at me.

Anapeat – repeats a phrase in several places within the poem.  

The poem consists of five stanzas of five lines each.  

The repeated phrase/line is the first line of the first stanza, the second line of the second stanzas, etc.  

All or part of the phrase is also the title of the poem.

There is no line length, meter, or rhyme requirements, however rhyme and meter may be used if the poet chooses to do so.

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