Bridal Journey

Beauty to warm the cool air
Joy to be a millionaire

Bridal journey in a canoe
the strong smell of woodland mildew

Rugged valley, it’s quite dangerous
careful so not to endanger us

Brilliance of snow-clad hills in the distance
to see the beauty of its existence

Clouds appearing over the highest ridge top
it is time to move before we have a quick stop.

Copyright © 2018 Elsie Hagley – aka kiwinana

Con-Verse consists of three or more 2-line rhyming stanzas (couplets). The meter of this form is in syllabic verse.

Rhyme scheme: aa,bb,cc,dd,ee
Meter: 7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,11,11

(Syllabic verse only counts the number of syllables in a line.)

This form consists of three or more couplets which ascend by one syllable up to and until you reach a syllabic count of eleven which would contain ten lines.