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Pantoum Poem – Snow Leopard Hunting Season


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Pantoum Poem – Snow Leopard Hunting Season

So she kept prowling the mountain side

Hoping to keep her off spring alive

Food was scarce after bushfires

There was no place to hide


Hoping to keep her off spring alive

She slipped down the mountain side

There was no place to hide

Late autumn in the bush it was suicide


She slipped down the mountain side

Landing rather hard on her backside

Late autumn in the bush it was suicide

She came across a large slip


Landing rather hard on her backside

Not seeing straight everything was magnified

She came across a large slip

There were two deers ready for supply


Not seeing straight everything was magnified

Focusing should have been a easy routine

There were two deers ready for supply

Those deers were on the other side of the slip


Focusing should have been a easy routine

Food was scarce after bushfires

Those deers were on the other side of the slip

So she kept prowling the mountain side

How to Write a Pantoum Poem

The design is simple:

Line 1

Line 2

Line 3

Line 4

Line 5 (repeat of line 2)

Line 6

Line 7 (repeat of line 4)

Line 8

Continue with as many stanzas as you wish, but the ending stanza, then repeats the second and fourth lines of the previous stanza (as its first and third lines), and also repeats the third line of the first stanza, as its second line, and the first line of the first stanza as its fourth. So the first line of the poem is also the last.

Last stanza:

Line 2 of previous stanza

Line 3 of first stanza

Line 4 of previous stanza

Line 1 of first stanza

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Dizain Poem & Quote – Wisdom in Old Age

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Dizain Poem & Quote – Wisdom in Old Age

wisdom, is realising you know nothing
everything is not like it used to be
listen, closely, what others are saying
depression, try laughter it’s guaranteed
avoid stress try learning to live carefree
don’t try pleasing everyone, please yourself
forget all the bad things and pride oneself
true, sad heart will repair if you let it
hold to your dreams, don’t live life on a shelf
wisdom is, learn to laugh not throw a fit.

Dizain Poem It is a French poem popular in the 15th and 16th centuries, it is a single stanza of 8 or 10 lines (10 being more common), with 8 or 10 syllables in each line, the rhyme scheme is ababcdcd, or ababbccdcd

Summary – This poem is a 10 lined, 10 syllables, with rhyme ababbccdcd


“It is strange how often a heart must be broken, before the years can make it wise.” ― Sara Teasdale. 

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Amaranth Poem – Crazy Day


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Amaranth Poem – Crazy Day

Come on
are you
laughing now
when you
know I fell
breaking my leg
now you are

Copyright © 2019 Elsie Hagley

Amaranth – a invented verse form that was probably created as a teaching tool by Viola Gardner. It makes deliberate use of the 9 most common metric feet.

  • 9 lines strophe. It is a stand alone poem.
  • metric, the 9 most common metric feet are used in sequence.
    L1 Spondee SS
    L2 Iamb uS
    L3 Pyrrhic uu
    L4 Dactyl Suu
    L5 Trochee Su
    L6 Amphimacer SuS
    L7 Choriamb SuuS
    L8 Anapest uuS
    L9 Amphibrach uSu

For me this was a fun form of New poetry to write, I had to go back to school to understand what each line meant, hopefully I got there.

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Tanka Poetry – Joy of Sharing


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Tanka Poetry  – Joy of Sharing

perfect sunny day

filled with the joy of sharing

treasure the season

fresh clean air is everywhere

new life bubbling all around

Copyright © 2019 Elsie Hagley.

Tanka Poetryconsists of five units, usually with the following pattern of    5-7-5-7-7 which is syllables.

The first three lines (5/7/5) are the upper phase. This upper stage is where you create an image in your reader’s mind.

The last two lines (7/7) of a Tanka poem are called the lower phase.  The final two lines should express the poet’s ideas about the image that was created in the three lines above.

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Alouette Poem – Animal Road Code


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Alouette Poem Animal Road Code

walking a straight line
Is that a test drive
animals need on the road
dogs, are man’s best friend
is this a loose end
or a major episode.

dogs on a crash drive
time to reassign
and use a new colour code.
it will all depend,
should we use morse code
or call it an overload.

Copyright © 2019 Elsie Hagley

Alouette – created by Jan Turner, it consists of two or more stanzas of 6 lines each, (12 lines or more) with the following set rules:

Syllabic: 5/5/7/5/5/7

Rhyme Scheme:  aabccb

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Sonnetina Uno  Poem – What is Time

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Sonnetina Uno  Poem – What is Time

What is time

With time it’s either gone or still coming
It’s the past, present, through to the future
Just stop a minute and think about it
the last minute has already passed by
this minute has nearly already gone 
the next minute is here, now it is gone.
Now five minutes have passed by, wasted time 
as I have been thinking what else to write
another sixty seconds have gone by.
So with time we mostly are in the past. 

Sonnetina Uno – A decastich (10-line poem) written in one single stanza, it is unrhymed and written in iambic pentameter, in other words, it is written in blank verse. What is the difference between blank verse and free verse? The difference is in the structure. Both blank verse and free verse are free from rhyme scheme. But, whereas blank verse does have a consistent meter, usually iambic pentameter, that creates a du-DUM rhythm effect, free verse is free from both meter and rhyme. It is free from the limitations of verse poetry.

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Clarity Pyramid Poem – Love

Clarity Pyramid PoemLove

like all
trust a few

courage comes within
loving someone precious
hate will kill your inner soul

“where there is love there will be life”.

Clarity Pyramid is a poetry consisting of two triplets and a single line (7 lines in all). Usually, this poem is centre aligned when displayed.

The first triplet has 1, 2, and 3 syllables. The title of the poem is the one-syllable word of the first triplet, which is displayed in all capital letters. This line is followed by a two-syllable line, and then a three-syllable line, both of which clarifies the definition of the poem, or are synonyms for the title.

The second triplet has 5, 6, and 7 syllables. Its design is based around a life event contained within the triplet which helps give a poetic view or outlook on the first line (title).

The last line is 8 syllables and is in quotations as this line contains a quote that defines the first word (title).

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Acrostic Decima Poetry – Sweet Tooth

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Acrostic Decima Poetry Sweet Tooth

Small slices of cake are healthy
while some humans will eat plenty
eventually will need a nap
ecstasy, adding fat to the belly
the clothes don’t fit, a handicap

Tasty cake brought from a deli
often sometimes that’s unhealthy
overdone with rich oily crap
time to put on the thinking cap
having eaten cake now jelly.

Copyright © 2019 Elsie Hagley

Acrostic Decima: 10 Lined Poem the Decima form with an acrostic.

Write the two five words used in the poem vertically to start the line. 
Syllable Count: 8 syllables per line.
Rhyme Scheme: a-a-b-a-b, a-a-b-b-a. 
Only two rhymes a & b. Not a rhyming couplet at the end. 

An acrostic in poetry is a poem where certain letters in each line spell out a word or phrase. Typically, the first letters of each line are used to spell the message.

But they can appear anywhere, in my poem it is the first letter (Sweet Tooth), the title of the poem

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Tanka Poem – Beautiful and Wild

Tanka Poem  – Beautiful and Wild

sheltering beauty

butterflies venturing out

exploring new life

viewing amazing insects

always excites my wild heart

Tanka poetry consists of five units, usually with the following pattern of    5-7-5-7-7 which is syllables.

The first three lines (5/7/5) are the upper phase. This upper stage is where you create an image in your reader’s mind.

The last two lines (7/7) of a Tanka poem are called the lower phase.  The final two lines should express the poet’s ideas about the image that was created in the three lines above.

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Bussokusekika Poetry – Love of Nature

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Bussokusekika Poetry – Love of Nature

sound of birds singing

echos deep in the valley

breeze whistling through trees

the cry of a newborn kid

nanny goat answers high pitch

nature provides peace within

Bussokusekika Poetry – a pattern of 5-7-5-7-7-7

A Tanka poem with an extra phrase of seven added on at the end.

Often a exchange between lovers – in this poem it is the memories about the love of nature and life.

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