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Acrostic Decima Poetry Sweet Tooth

Small slices of cake are healthy
while some humans will eat plenty
eventually will need a nap
ecstasy, adding fat to the belly
the clothes don’t fit, a handicap

Tasty cake brought from a deli
often sometimes that’s unhealthy
overdone with rich oily crap
time to put on the thinking cap
having eaten cake now jelly.

Copyright © 2019 Elsie Hagley

Acrostic Decima: 10 Lined Poem the Decima form with an acrostic.

Write the two five words used in the poem vertically to start the line. 
Syllable Count: 8 syllables per line.
Rhyme Scheme: a-a-b-a-b, a-a-b-b-a. 
Only two rhymes a & b. Not a rhyming couplet at the end. 

An acrostic in poetry is a poem where certain letters in each line spell out a word or phrase. Typically, the first letters of each line are used to spell the message.

But they can appear anywhere, in my poem it is the first letter (Sweet Tooth), the title of the poem