#New Poetry Form

Still Her Eyes Kept Staring

But still her eyes kept staring at me
even though I swiped my hand at her
the concrete wall was protection 
from all the goings on around her
Even a bird hopping around the lawn

She never made a move to catch it
But still her eyes kept staring at me,
giving me a feeling of being watched
Why did you, a cat make me feel guilty,
guilty of what I still don’t know

Wondering why you stayed unmoved.
even a loud sneeze, you never moved
But still her eyes kept staring at me
Loud banging noises all around you,
and you never moved, just kept staring

Jumping up and down she didn’t move
Was something wrong with me
Can’t you see that I’ve had enough
But still her eyes kept staring at me
For sure there is something wrong

Are you deaf or maybe blind as well,
time for me to check out what’s wrong.
She was just a cat having forty winks,
eyes wide open but mind shut off.
But still her eyes kept staring at me.

Anapeat – repeats a phrase in several places within the poem.  

The poem consists of five stanzas of five lines each.  

The repeated phrase/line is the first line of the first stanza, the second line of the second stanzas, etc.  

All or part of the phrase is also the title of the poem.

There is no line length, meter, or rhyme requirements, however rhyme and meter may be used if the poet chooses to do so.

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