Archive for category Troiku Poetry

Carpe Diem #1548 orchids (ran) (Troiku)

Carpe Diem #1548 Orchids (ran) (Troiku

Chevrefeuille asks us to create a haiku, tanka or other kind of Japanese poetry themed orchids (ran)

My choice is the Troiku Poem

 samourai warrior

enchanted by the beauty of orchids

bows his head in praise

© Chèvrefeuille

Orchid Troiku Poem

samourai warrior

main weapon, symbol, the sword

admires a orchid

enchanted by the beauty of orchids

with self discipline

touches it gently

bows his head in praise

then with meaningful action

gently picks it up

What is is Troiku Poem? Carpe Diem invented the Troiku, it is three haiku, with each of the three lines from a suggested haiku as the first line of each haiku in the troiku. It’s not always possible to have a 5-7-5 format in the second haiku, due to the limitations of the suggested haiku.

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Carpe Diem Weekend Meditation #59 Troiku – Autumn Scents

Carpe Diem Weekend Meditation #59 Troiku – Autumn Scents

Carpe Diem Haiku Poem

the scent of autumn

that sweet smell of decaying leaves –

after the rain – stronger

© Chèvrefeuille

Troiku Poem

the scent of autumn

with twilight lingering on

drifts around the woods

that sweet smell of decaying leaves

moss covered birch trees

beauty of nature

after rain – stronger

smells fill the cooling crisp air

with the gentle breeze

Copyright © 2018 Elsie Hagley

Troiku – Carpe Diem invented the Troiku, it is three haiku, with each of the three lines from a suggested haiku as the first line of each haiku in the troiku. It’s not always possible to have a 5-7-5 format in the second haiku, due to the limitations of the suggested haiku.

Don’t know what a Haiku poem is, it is a unrhymed Japanese verse consisting of three unrhymed lines of five, seven, and five syllables (5, 7, 5) or 17 syllables in all.

It is created by a vision, and paints a mental image in the reader’s mind.

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