Elsie and John Hagley, Waitara New Zealand
My name is Elsie Hagley, (kiwinana) I have been on the internet for some time now, I had a Website Ramblings of a Writer – Living the Path of Life which is still on the internet, it will be gone when the domain finishes at the beginning of January 2019.
Now I have started this site for poetry only, all different poetry forms, I hope you enjoy reading them, even write one yourself in the comments.
A to Z Random Facts about me.
A – Age: 78
B – Biggest fear: My husband passing away before me. I couldn’t imagine living without him after nearly 59 years.
C – Current time: 10.00 am – Monday 12 November 2018
D – Drink you last had: cup of coffee
E – Every day starts with: Getting the newspaper for my husband to read, listening to the news of the day, breakfast, then writing a new post for my blog, and reading my emails on my computer from WordPress.
F – Favorite Song: This is not an easy one for me since I enjoy all modern music, I have had these posts on my HubPages for four years now – Female Singers.
G – Ghosts, are they real?: Yes. I’m sure of that one, I have encountered one in my bedroom in the middle of the night.
H – Hometown: Any place in Taranaki New Zealand, was born in Stratford, live in Waitara now, both are in Taranaki
I – In love with: My husband, and writing poetry.
J – Jealous of: Actually I haven’t got a jealous bone in my body, (if you can say it like that, wouldn’t know what Jealously was).
K – Killed someone: No way. Where would that get me in life, Other than in prison?
L – Last time you cried: I haven’t cried for so long I can’t remember the last time.
M – Middle name: Louvain
N – Number of siblings: Three sisters, one brother, one of my sisters pass away in 2006 with Multiple Sclerosis.
O – One wish: That I wake up to a new day.
P – Person you last called: I can’t remember the last person I called, I hate talking on the phone, it would need to be an emergency for me to call someone.
Q – Question you’re always asked: What are you going to do today? That’s my husband asking the question.
R – Reason to smile: I don’t need a reason to smile, I smile a lot, it makes me feel happy when someone smiles back.
S – Sounds that annoy you: My husband eating a banana with false teeth.
T – Time you woke up: Wake up about 6 am.
U – Useful information: Never go to bed after an argument with your husband before sorting it out.
V – Vacation destination: I have lived in town for nearly three years now after retiring from farming, we still have the farm, it is going to be sold. I’m so tired, I need a vacation, which I have never had one for some fifteen years.
W – Worst habit: Spending too much time writing, commenting, reading on my WordPress Blog.
X- X-Rays you’ve had: When I broke the bone in two places on my left leg seven years ago, now I have a plate in my ankle
Y- Your favorite food: Sandwiches. Easy to make, tasty to eat.
Z- Zodiac sign: Virgo